St Louis Mural Project

Ward 2 Mural


Nominate Your Neighbor!

About the Mural

The Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis (RACSTL), in partnership with the City of St. Louis is providing St. Louis Mural Project Grants funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. This exciting initiative will present public art throughout all 14 Wards of St. Louis City.

Titled ALL HEART, this mural is one of two to be installed in Ward 2 this summer. It highlights Ward 2’s greatest asset, the people who live and work here. As a 20+ year resident of Ward 2, I know firsthand the love we have for this Ward, this city and each other.

It consists of stylized portraits of the people of Ward 2. The bright background colors reflect the vibrancy of the community. Strategic color and portrait arrangement composes a heart graphic, symbolic of the heart of this community. Up close the focus of the mural is the portraits but viewed from a distance the heart becomes evident.

As the artist, I am relying on the community to nominate individuals they feel reflect the spirit of the Ward and the neighborhoods within it. (Bevo Mill, Boulevard Heights, Princeton Heights and St. Louis Hills.) I also want to include submissions from groups who may have barriers to participation. It is imperative to represent the diversity of the community, as well as reflect our immigrant legacy. From the early French, German and Dutch to the arrival of people from Bosnia, Mexico, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and more, Ward 2 was not only built by immigrants but is also sustained by them.

By highlighting individual stories within the broader narrative of the community, the mural emphasizes the interconnectedness of the residents. It celebrates the contributions diversity and individuality bring to the community while acknowledging the power of coming together to find common ground and a collective heart for the city.

Visitors to the 28 murals throughout the city will be exposed to positive aspects of St. Louis. This particular mural will highlight the people who live and work here; shining a light on the diversity of cultures, races, ages, genders, etc. and more importantly, their shared heart for the city. The history and diversity of these residents will transform into a tangible asset instilling neighborhood pride. Area businesses will enjoy the economic boost the visitors bring. Newcomers and visitors will see faces to which they can relate and feel more welcome and open to explore what the Ward and city offers.

The “walkable” design provides opportunities for both near and far photo ops and visitor interaction. Blocks of color at various heights will be left intentionally blank allowing spaces for visitors to photograph themselves “in” the mural, thereby establishing themselves as a member of this welcoming and ever-expanding community.

Visitors will also be able to scan a QR code linked to a page on the artist’s website. There they can see the portraits and read why each individual was nominated. This will further enhance the opportunity to identify and connect with the community and learn about many of the amazing people that make it truly special.

Using the form below, nominate and submit a photo of someone you feel represents the spirit of Ward 2!

About the Artist

Born and raised in the St. Louis region, a city resident for over twenty years and running my fine art framing and studio practice here for the past five, I find the city constantly inspires me and fuels my creativity.

As an artist, my practice spans multiple disciplines, with a focus on exploring personal narratives and engaging with communities. With a background in interior design and evidence-based design for healthcare environments, I bring a unique perspective to my work, understanding how art can influence mental states and contribute to overall well-being.

My mixed media paintings serve as another avenue for exploration, utilizing an automatic process to manipulate various materials and create abstract backgrounds. These works often depict hyper-romantic worlds populated by symbolic figures, animals, and objects, inviting viewers to interpret their own narratives and find moments of respite within the ambiguity.

Transitioning my painting techniques to larger scales for murals presents its own set of challenges. As a mural artist, I strive to create visually captivating pieces that not only beautify public spaces but also authentically represent the diverse identities and aspirations of the community. Each project is approached with careful consideration of how the artwork can positively impact individuals' physical and emotional health. This involves deliberate choices regarding color, composition, and imagery to create environments that promote positive mindsets.

Prior to starting a project, I invest time in researching the history and demographics of the area, seeking to understand the community members and their unique perspectives. Collaboration is key, particularly with those who may face barriers to accessing art, as their input is integral to creating meaningful and impactful pieces.

In contributing to the community through my artistic practice, I aim to enrich environments and enhance the quality of life for those who interact with my work. Whether through murals that celebrate local culture or paintings that evoke contemplation and reflection, my goal is to create art that resonates with authenticity and fosters connection among individuals.

Overall, my artistic journey is driven by a passion for storytelling and a commitment to making art accessible and meaningful to all. Through continued exploration and engagement with diverse communities, I strive to contribute positively to the cultural landscape while fostering empathy and understanding through the power of visual expression.

From my first small public mural in Peter Matthews Memorial Skate Garden, to the most recent large mural at Manchester Aquatic Center, I have continually sought opportunities to grow as an artist and expand my skills and capabilities. This mural project would not only allow me to extend this process but more importantly give back to the community I love.