Meet Amy


Amy was born and raised in Arnold, MO.  She currently resides in the historic Bevo Mill Neighborhood in St. Louis.  She graduated Summa Cum Laude in 1998 with a BFA in Interior Design from William Woods University in Fulton, MO.  She worked as an interior designer for commercial and healthcare environments for several years.  She eventually landed in the custom picture framing industry and has run her own multidisciplinary business for over 10 years. 

More recently, she trained in the Milan Art Institute’s Mastery Program where she was introduced to the beauty of oil painting. She is continually honing her artistic skill set and strengthening her unique artistic voice. As a professional artist she is passionate about using her voice to speak light, truth and encouragement into the world.

“I want my work to be beautiful but also tell honest stories that leave room for the viewer’s imagination and curiosity to get them to wade into deeper places.”

Her work has been shown in galleries throughout the region. She is a two-time recipient of Artist Support Grants from the Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis and was recently a Featured Artist by Missouri Arts Council.

Most recently, she has begun creating digital works which she markets for stickers and stationery.